About the book
Simisola Akintobi, a sixteen-year old Christian girl takes us on a journey laden with trials that tear at her faith in God. Her best friend is diagnosed with a deadly illness, her parents’ marriage suffers a breakdown and her battle with lust sends her on a downward spiral.
Cold is a story of trust, convictions in the face of trials and restoration of lost hope.

This is a powerful narrative of faith and resilience in the face of adversity and hardship.

Damilola Mike-Bamiloye
Mount Zion Film Productions
Cold will take you on a long, rewarding journey in a short time.

Goodness Adegbola
Author, Complete
What Readers are Saying
This book feels very, very, prophetic. It's not just a book for teens. It is an activation and stirring of people having assignments.
Idara O.
Intense storyline! Very thought provoking!
Mercy H.
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